Marco CONGEDO, chargé de recherche CNRS dans l'équipe VIBS soutiendra son HDR le mardi 22 octobre 2013 à 10h à Gipsa-lab (salle Mont Blanc). Il présentera ses travaux intitulés "EEG Source Analysis".



Résumé :
Electroencephalographic data recorded on the human scalp can be modeled as a linear mixture of underlying dipolar source generators. The characterization of such generators is the aim of several families of signal processing methods. In this HDR we consider in several details three of such families, namely 1) EEG distributed inverse solutions, 2) diagonalization methods, including spatial filtering and blind source separation and 3) Riemannian geometry. We highlight our contributions in each of this family, we describe algorithms reporting all necessary information to make purposeful use of these methods and we give numerous examples with real data pertaining to our published studies. Traditionally only the single-subject scenario is considered; here we consider in addition the extension of some methods to the simultaneous multi-subject recording scenario.


Composition du jury de soutenance :
Prof. Dirk De Ridder, University of Otago, NEW ZEALAND
Prof. Christian Jutten, GIPSA-lab, University of Grenoble, FRANCE
Prof. Philippe Kahane, CHU, Grenoble, FRANCE
Prof. Juri Kropotov, Russian Academy of Science, St. Petersbourg, RUSSIA
Prof. Fernando Lopes da Silva, University of Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS
Prof. Gert Pfurtscheller, University of Technology, Graz, AUSTRIA
Prof. Hichem Snoussi, University of Technology, Troyes, FRANCE


Lieu :


11 rue des Mathématiques

Grenoble Campus

Batiment D, salle Mont-Blanc (1er étage)