Le 29 juin 2015, le Laboratoire de Psychologie et Neurocognition (LPNC) organise un workshop sur le thème de la surdité. Intitulé “sensing beyond deafness”, il aura lieu dans l'amphi 2 de l'ARSH.

Programme de la journée :
9h-10h30 : Matt Dye, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA: “Altering the gradient of visual attention: impacts of deafness and sign language”
10h30-11h : Marjorie Dole, LPNC, France “Face processing in profoundly deaf adults: hemispheric asymmetry study with chimeric faces.”
11h-11h30 : Rafael Laboissière, LPNC, France : "Effects of duration of auditory deprivation and of cochlear implant use on speech motor function in cochlear implanted children"
11h30 -12h : Lucie Scarbel, GIPSA-Lab, France "Perceptuo-motor linkage in postlingually deaf adults with cochlear implants"
Pause : 12h-14h
14h-15h30 : Francesco Pavani, University of Trento, Italy: “Goal-oriented behaviour in a visual system reorganised by early deafness”.
15h30-16h : Bénédicte Grandon, GIPSA-Lab, France  "Production of speech by children wearing cochlear implants"
16h-16h30 : David Ostry, McGill University, Canada. “Somatosensory function in speech motor control and learning”
16h30-17h : Discussion générale

Lieu :
Amphi 2, ARSH
1251 avenue Centrale
Domaine Universitaire de St-Martin-d’Hères